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Time input

The Time input component allows the user to fill in a time.

Time input

The following section details Time input component's specific settings. For more details on the App editor, check the dedicated documentation or the App editor Quickstart:


This component can be controlled by frontend scripts using these functions:


The setValue function is meant to set or force the value of a component. This can be convenient in cases where connection is not the easiest pattern. Note that it's a bad idea to mix dynamic default value and setValue together.

setValue(id: string, value: any)

Time input configuration

Min TimestringtruefalseThe minimum time that can be selected. If the time provided is not valid, it will set the output "validity" to false. The format is: "HH:mm".
Max TimestringtruefalseThe maximum time that can be selected. If the time provided is not valid, it will set the output "validity" to false. The format is: "HH:mm".
Default ValuestringtruefalseThe default value of the time input.
24h FormatbooleantruefalsetrueUse 24h format. Will change the format of the output of the component: HH:mm to hh:mm am/pm


resultstringThe date input value.
validitybooleanWhether the time is valid.