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Sharing Common Logic

It is common to want to share common logic between your scripts. This can be done easily using relative imports in both Python and Deno.

Note that in both the webeditor and with the CLI, your scripts do not necessarily need to have a main function. If they don't, they are assumed to be shared logic and not runnable scripts.

It works extremely well in combination with Developing scripts locally and you can easily sync your scripts with the CLI.

Python relative imports for sharing common logic

It is possible to import directly from other Python scripts. One can simply follow the path layout. For instance, import foo from f.<foldername>.script_name. A more complete example below:

# u/user/common_logic

def foo():
print('Common logic!')

And in another Script:

# u/user/custom_script

from u.user.common_logic import foo

def main():
return foo()

It works with Scripts contained in folders, and for scripts contained in user-spaces, e.g: f.<foldername>.script_path or u.<username>.script_path.

You can also do relative imports to the current script. For instance.

# if common_logic is a script in the same folder or user-space
from .common_logic import foo
# otherwise if you need to access the folder 'folder'
from ..folder.common_logic import foo

Beware that you can only import scripts that you have view rights on at time of execution.

The folder layout is identical with the one that works with the CLI for syncing scripts locally and on Windmill. See Developing scripts locally

Deno or Bun relative imports for sharing common logic

Similarly to Python, it is possible to import directly from other TypeScript Scripts. One can simply follow the path layout. For instance, import { foo } from "/f/<foldername>/script_name.ts". A more verbose example below:

import { main as foo, util } from '/f/common/my_script_path.ts';

export async function main() {
await foo();

You may also use simple relative imports:

import { main as foo, util } from '../my_script_path.ts';

Note that path in Windmill can have as many depth as needed, so you can have paths like this f/folder/subfolder/my_script_path.ts and relative imports will work at any level. Hence, it will work exactly the same as on local.

Bash logic sharing

You can reuse bash scripts by fetching them "raw" and source them. The url is as follows:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <Token>" <INSTANCE>/api/w/<workspace>/scripts/raw/p/<path>.sh