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Set/Get progress from code

By default, Windmill only tracks the start and completion of a job, without monitoring its intermediate progress.

As a result, the displayed information is typically limited to 0% and 100% completion. While this is sufficient for most scripts and flows, which have relatively short execution times, there are scenarios where scripts are designed to run continuously for extended periods.

In such cases, it is crucial to have a progress indicator that shows the current execution status.

This feature enables users to set and retrieve progress directly from their scripts. The set_progress function allows scripts to report their progress as a percentage value between 0 and 99. Note that the progress value is clamped within this range, meaning that any value below 0 will be treated as 0, and any value above 99 will be treated as 99.


When previewing an individual job, a progress bar will appear after 5 seconds of execution (if the set_progress function is used) or immediately for flows.

Additionally, the set_progress function only allows incremental updates, meaning that the progress value can only be increased, not decreased. This ensures that the progress bar always moves forward and never reverses.

from wmill import set_progress

def main():

# ... First heavy task

# ... Second heavy task

# ... Third heavy task

# ... Fourth heavy task