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Date select

The Date select component allows the user to fill in a date by picking a day, month and year.

Date select

The following section details Date select component's specific settings. For more details on the App editor, check the dedicated documentation or the App editor Quickstart:


This component can be controlled by frontend scripts using these functions:


The setValue function is meant to set or force the value of a component. This can be convenient in cases where connection is not the easiest pattern. Note that it's a bad idea to mix dynamic default value and setValue together.

setValue(id: string, value: any)

Date select configuration

Enable DaybooleantruefalsetrueWhether the user can pick a day.
Enable MonthbooleantruefalsetrueWhether the user can pick a month.
Enable YearbooleantruefalsetrueWhether the user can pick a year.
Default ValuestringtruefalseemptyThe default value of the Date select component.
OrientationselecttruefalseHorizontalOrientation of list of items ("Horizontal" or "Vertical").
Localestring: en-US, en-GB, en-IE, de-DE, fr-FR, br-FR, ja-JP, pt-TL, fr-CA, en-CAfalsefalseen-USThe format of the date.


dayintThe Day value.
monthintThe Month value.
yearintThe Year value.