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SQS triggers

Windmill can connect to an SQS queue and trigger runnables (scripts, flows) in response to messages received.
SQS triggers is a self-hosted Enterprise feature.

For more details on SQS, see the AWS SQS Documentation.

How to use

  • Pick an AWS resource

    • Select an existing AWS resource or create a new one.
    • The AWS resource must have permissions to interact with SQS.
  • Select the runnable to execute

    • Choose the runnable (script or flow) that should be executed when a message arrives in the queue.
  • Provide an SQS queue URL

    • Enter the Queue URL of the SQS queue that should trigger the runnable.
    • You can find the Queue URL in the AWS Management Console under SQS.
    • For more details, see the SQS Queue URL Documentation.
  • Choose (optional) message attributes

    • Specify which message attributes should be included in the triggered event.
    • These attributes can carry metadata, such as sender information or priority levels.
    • For more details, see the SQS Message Attributes Documentation.


Below are code examples demonstrating how to handle SQS messages in your Windmill scripts. You can either process messages directly in a basic script or use a preprocessor for more advanced message handling and transformation before execution.

Basic script example

export async function main(msg: string) {
// do something with the message

Using a preprocessor

If you use a preprocessor, the preprocessor function receives an SQS message with the following fields:

Field descriptions

  • queue_url: The URL of the SQS queue that received the message.
  • message_id: A unique identifier assigned to each message by SQS.
  • receipt_handle: A token used to delete the message after processing.
  • attributes: Metadata attributes set by SQS, such as SentTimestamp.
  • message_attributes: User-defined attributes that can be attached to the message.
    • string_value: The string representation of the attribute value.
    • data_type: The data type of the attribute (e.g., "String", "Number", "Binary").
    • More details on message attributes
export async function preprocessor(
msg: string,
wm_trigger: {
kind: "sqs",
sqs: {
queue_url: string,
message_id?: string,
receipt_handle?: string,
attributes: Record<string, string>,
message_attributes?: Record<string, {
string_value?: string,
data_type: string
) {
// assuming the message is a JSON object
const data = JSON.parse(msg);

return {
content: data.content,
metadata: {
sentAt: wm_trigger.sqs.attributes.SentTimestamp,
messageId: wm_trigger.sqs.message_id

export async function main(content: string, metadata: { sentAt: string, messageId: string }) {
// Process transformed message data
console.log(`Processing message ${metadata.messageId} sent at ${metadata.sentAt}`);
console.log("Content:", content);