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Instance settings

Instance settings are accessible to all superadmins of your Windmill instance. This is where you manage settings and features across all workspaces. One instance can have several workspaces.

This is from the Instance settings that you can see on which Windmill version your instance is running.

Instance version

Admins workspace

The Admins workspace is for superadmins only and contains scripts whose purpose is to manage your Windmill instance, such as keeping resource types up to date or the New User Setup App.

The resources types created from the Admins workspace are shared across all workspaces.

You can access it from the list of workspaces or from Instance settings.

Admins workspace

Global users

Global Users are users of the Windmill instance. They are not associated with any workspace and can be assigned to any workspace (from the workspace settings).

From there you can manually add a user to the instance, giving an email and a password. Users can be set to User, Devops or Superadmin roles.

You can also enable automatic username creation from emails. Usernames will be shared accross workspaces. We recommend setting it to avoid duplicated usernames.

A more common way to add users is to use SSO/OAuth.

For each user, you can see Email, Auth (manually-set password or Auth methods), Name, Kind (Developer or Operator where an operator at the instace level is an operator in all workspaces they are member of), and Role (User or Superadmin).

You can also toggle on 'Show active users only' to show only users who have performed at least one action in the last 30 days. Only those users are counted in our Pricing.

Global Users


Core settings

Base url

The base URL is the public base url of the instance.

If the base URL is not set correctly, some server-side generated URLs like resume URLs will be incorrect. Additionally, OAuth and SSO functionalities will not work properly.

Email domain

Domain to display in webhooks for email triggers (should match the MX record).

Request size limit in MB

Maximum size of HTTP requests in MB. Cloud only.

Default timeout

Default timeout for individual jobs, in seconds.

You will find a helper to convert days, hours, minutes, and seconds to seconds.

Note that you can set a custom timeout for flow steps.

Max timeout for sync endpoints

Maximum amount of time (measured in seconds) that a sync endpoint is allowed to run before it is forcibly stopped or timed out.

You will find a helper to convert days, hours, minutes, and seconds to seconds.

Keep job directories for debug

Toogle to keep Job directories after execution at /tmp/windmill/<worker>/<job_id>.

License key

The license key is used to enable Enterprise Edition. You can get one by starting a free trial from the pricing page or by contacting us at [email protected]

To see how to upgrade your instance to Enterprise Edition, see the Upgrade to Enterprise Edition docs. A same key can also be used for non-prod instances. Just make sure to set the Non-prod instance to true so that the computation usage is not counted in the billing.

From there you also have two buttons:

  • Renew key: to renew the license key (as long as you have a valid subscription). Anyway, the key is automatically renewed everyday as long as your subscription is valid.
  • Open customer portal: the recommended way to access the Customer portal where you can manage your subscription.

If your subscription is active, the key is automatically renewed everyday. A key is typically valid for 35 days.

Non-prod instance

Whether we should consider the reported usage of this instance as non-prod.

It is useful to avoid counting the computation usage of a non-prod instance in the billing.

This setting is only available on Enterprise Edition.

Retention period in secs

How long to keep the jobs data (especially the audit logs) in the database (max 30 days on Community Edition).

You will find a helper to convert days, hours, minutes, and seconds to seconds.

This setting is only available on Enterprise Edition.

Instance object storage

Connect your instance to a S3 bucket to store large logs and global cache for Python and Go.

This feature has no overlap with the Workspace object storage.

You can choose to use either S3 or Azure Blob Storage. For each you will find a button to test settings from a server or from a worker.

S3/Azure for Python/Go cache &amp; large logs

This setting is only available on Enterprise Edition.

Azure OpenAI base path

All Windmill AI features will run on the specified deployed model. Format: https://{your-resource-name}{deployment-id}.

This setting is only available on Enterprise Edition.

Private Hub base url

Base url of your private Hub instance, without trailing slash.

This setting is only available on Enterprise Edition.


Windmill supports SSO/OAuth for user authentication. You can enable it from the Instance settings.

Single Sign On (SSO)

When at least one of the SSO options is set, users will be able to login to Windmill via their third-party account.

To test SSO, the recommended workflow is to to save the settings and try to login in an incognito window.


You can add a custom SSO client by providing a client id.

Also, from the instance settings you can enable toggle 'Require users to have been added manually to Windmill to sign in through OAuth'.

Without Enterprise Edition, the number of SSO users is limited to 10.


When one of the OAuth options is set, you will be able to create a specific resource containing a 'token' automatically generated by the third-party provider. To test it after setting an oauth client, go to the Resources menu and create a new one of the type of your oauth client (i.e. a 'github' resource if you set GitHub OAuth).



Windmill supports SCIM and SAML for user provisioning and authentication.


You can test settings with button 'Test content/url'.

These settings are only available on Enterprise Edition.

SCIM token

Token used to authenticate requests from the IdP.

SAML metadata

XML metadata url OR content for the SAML IdP.


Add private registries for Pip, Bun, npm, and Nuget.

These settings are only available on Enterprise Edition.


Pip index url

Add private PIP registry.

Pip extra index url

Add private extra PIP registry.

Npm config registry

Add private NPM registry.

Bunfig install scopes

Add private scoped registries for Bun, See:

Nuget config

Write a nuget.config file to set custom/private package sources and credentials.



Critical alert channels

Channels to send critical alerts to. SMTP must be configured for the email channel. A Slack workspace must be connected to the instance for the Slack channel. Microsoft Teams must be setup to configure critical alerts to be sent to a Microsoft Teams channel.

You can add multiple channels between Email, Slack, and Microsoft Teams.

Critical alerts channels

Furthermore you can chose to mute critical alerts in the UI using the "Mute critical alerts in UI" toggle.

This setting is only available on Enterprise Edition.

Critical alert example

Mute critical alerts in UI

Enable to mute critical alerts in the UI.


Connecting your instance to a Slack workspace enables critical alerts to be sent to a Slack channel.

Just click on the 'Connect to Slack' button and follow the instructions from Slack.

This setting is only available on Enterprise Edition.


Setting SMTP unlocks sending emails upon adding new users to the workspace or the instance and sending critical alerts.

You need to provide the following details:

HostStringSMTP server host
PortNumberSMTP server port
UsernameStringSMTP server user
PasswordStringSMTP server password
From AddressStringEmail address to send emails from
Implicit TLSBooleanUse implicit TLS (default: false)

You have another field to test the SMTP settings.

Set-up SMTP from the .env file (depreciated)

The relevant environment variables are:

[email protected]
[email protected]

If you used the Setup Windmill on localhost method, open the .env file in any text editor. You can use nano, vim, or any other editor you're comfortable with.

nano .env

Append the following to the end of your .env file:

[email protected]
[email protected]

Make sure to replace [email protected] with your actual Gmail email address and your_app_password with the app password you've generated from Gmail.

Note: If you're using Gmail, you'll need to generate an App Password to use as SMTP_PASSWORD. This is a unique password that Gmail provides for apps and services that want to connect to your account.

Save and Close the File:

  • If using nano, press CTRL + O to save and then CTRL + X to exit.
  • If using vim, press Esc, then type :wq and press Enter.

Restart your Windmill application:

  • Since you've made changes to the .env file, you'll need to restart your Windmill application for the changes to take effect.
docker compose down
docker compose up -d

Now, your Windmill instance should use the SMTP settings you've provided to send invites and email to manually added users. Make sure the SMTP details you've provided are correct and that the Gmail account you're using has allowed less secure apps or generated an App Password.

Set up auto-invites

When creating a workspace, you have the option to invite automatically everyone on the same domain. That's how you make sure that anyone added to the instance is also added to the workspace.

Open Telemetry & Prometheus

Open Telemetry &amp; Prometheus

OpenTelemetry (OTEL)

Enable to collect telemetry data and send it to an OpenTelemetry collector such as Jaeger or Tempo for tracing. OpenTelementry data sent to the collector consists of traces, logs and metrics (coming soon). Follow this guide for an example setup.


Expose Prometheus metrics for workers and servers on port 8001 at /metrics.



Index writer memory budget

The allocated memory arena for the indexer. A bigger value means less writing to disk and potentially higher indexing throughput

Commit max batch size

The max amount of documents (here jobs) per commit. To optimize indexing throughput, it is best to keep this as high as possible. However, especially when reindexing the whole instance, it can be useful to have a limit on how many jobs can be written without being commited. A commit will make the jobs available for search, constitute a "checkpoint" state in the indexing and will be logged.

Refresh index period

The index will query new jobs periodically and write them on the index. This setting sets that period in seconds.

Max indexed job log size

Job logs are included when indexing, but to avoid the index size growing artificially, the logs will be truncated after that size (in KB) has been reached.

Commit max batch size

The max amount of documents per commit. In this case 1 document is one log file representing all logs during 1 minute for a specific host. To optimize indexing throughput, it is best to keep this as high as possible. However, especially when reindexing the whole instance, it can be useful to have a limit on how many logs can be written without being commited. A commit will make the logs available for search, appear as a log line, and be a "checkpoint" of the indexing progress.

Refresh index period

The index will query new service logs peridically and write them on the index. This setting sets that period in seconds.


Anonymous usage data is collected to help improve Windmill. Telemetry data is sent as a HTTPS request to Stats are sent once a day. Stats only contain the size of workers, their uptime and number of seats used.


The following information is collected:

  • version of your instances
  • instance base URL
  • job usage (language, total duration, count)
  • login type usage (login type, count)
  • worker usage (worker, worker instance, vCPUs, memory)
  • user usage (author count, operator count)
  • superadmin email addresses
  • vCPU usage
  • memory usage
  • development instance status

From the instance settings, you can manually send usage or disable telemetry.

Under Enterprise Edition (self-hosted), telemetry is mandatory to ensure usage correctly matches the subscription.