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While loops

While loops execute a sequence of code indefinitely until the user cancels or a step set to Early stop stops.

How to stop a while loop

The loop will continue to run until canceled, there are 3 ways to stop a while loop:

  • Cancel manually
  • Early stop/Break for loop
  • Early stop for step

Cancel manually

You can cancel flow manually from the flow page, it can be accessed when the flow is triggered manually or from the Runs page.

Early stop / Break

The Early stop/Break feature allows you to define a predicate expression that determines whether the flow - or here, loop - should stop early at the end or before a step.

Early stop for step

For each step of the flow, an early stop can be defined. The result of the step will be compared to a previously defined predicate expression, and if the condition is met, the flow will stop after that step.

Skip failure

If set to true, the loop will continue to the next item even if the current item failed.

Test an iteration

You can get a test of the current iteration by clicking on the Test an iteration button.

Advanced settings

Early stop / Break

See above.


Flows can be suspended until resumed or canceled event(s) are received. This feature is most useful for implementing approval steps but can be used for other purposes as well.


Executions within a flow can be suspended for a given time.


Step mocking allows faster iteration while building flows. When a step is mocked, it will immediately return the mocked value without performing any computation.


The logs, arguments and results of this flow step will be completely deleted from Windmill once the flow is complete.