APIs, workflows and UIs with OpenAI Windmill

APIs, workflows and UIs with OpenAI

Create workflows, data pipelines, endpoints or admin panels that interact with OpenAI.

OpenAI is an AI research lab that develops advanced AI technologies.

Connecting Windmill to OpenAI takes a few seconds and lets you build internal tools from it and integrate with any other platform.

Windmill also embeds OpenAI with Windmill AI to provide assitance in the creation of scripts, flows or apps.

From scripts supported in multiple languages, build UIs and flows that you can monitor and trigger on demand, by schedule or webhooks.


Scripts for OpenAI

Write any script, flow or app targeting OpenAI API, or pick them from Windmill Hub community library. Windmill supports scripts in TypeScript, Python, Go, PHP, Bash and SQL.

Create completion

Creates a completion for the provided prompt and parameters.

View on the Hub

Create chat completion

Creates a model response for the given chat conversation.

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Generate image

Generates an image from the given prompt.

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Create embedding

Creates an embedding vector representing the input text.

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Create moderation

Classifies if text is potentially harmful.

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Create translation

Translates audio into English.

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